….and you know what that means….SPRING CLEANING!
Lockdown has been the perfect time to spring clean your home & get de-cluttering. If you’re needing a bit of motivation for the last few weeks of being home, here’s our top 5 tips on getting your home in tip top shape
1. Make a schedule
Starting out with a plan of what needs doing? It keeps you motivated getting to cross things off the list & will provide you with a clear list of what needs to be done. Things that have been on the Frame Homes team’s list have been;
- Cleaning out the gutters
- Waterblasting Decks & Paths
- Weeding the garden
- Trimming the Hedges
- Washing the windows
- Cleaning out cupboards room by room
- Cleaning the oven
- Wiping down the skirting boards & dirty marks off the walls
- Sorting out our closets
- Clearing out the pantry & fridge
- Sort kids toys & books
2. Divide your days up into one major chore or area a day
Sunny days are perfect to tackle those outdoor jobs that have been building up over winter like trimming the hedges & weeding the garden. And for the colder rainy days, jobs like sorting your closet or pantry are a great way to fill in the day. By focusing on one area a day, you can look back at the end of the day with a sense of achievment. Get everyone involved and dont forget, all work & no play makes for a boring lockdown! Make sure to plan a reward for once you have crossed a job of the list
3. De-clutter
Channel your inner Marie Kondo! De-cluttering has been proven to reduce your stress. Imagine your dream lifestyle & how you want your home to look. Sort items into piles of keep, donate or throw away. When you hold an item up, if it sparks joy…add it to the keep pile. If it no longer sparks joy or serves a purpose, consider popping it in your local pataka or drop off to your nearest charity shop. And if its broken or worn out….THROW IT OUT
4. Work top to bottom
Save yourself from having to clean areas twice by making sure you clean top to bottom. It will save you having to re-dust or wipe down areas twice
5. Let the spring clean set the tone of how to plan to carry on
Small changes can make a big difference. Order some fresh towels & new linen for the bed to freshen things up.